Quick 6 Week 1
Week 1 To Do:
- Listen to the live kickoff call(recorded in case you missed it, once I have the link ready I'll put it up on this page!
- Pick a shopping/prep day
- Go through the recipes and pick a few meals to try out
- Get a journal to record notes/workouts in
- Take the fit test
- Fill out the Evaluation Form
- Choose how you want to measure progress(photos, measurements etc)
- Schedule time to prep your meals for the week
- Set 2-3 goals you can achieve in the first 7 days
- Schedule your workouts
- Slay the week!!!
Remember if you have any questions shoot me an email. Lindsay@thewellnessgypsy.com.
Mindfulness Tip Week 1
Mindful Eating and Appetite Awareness
This week I want you to become mindful of what and how you eat. Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention, to be self-aware, to be thoughtful of our choices and present. So many times we zone out when we eat. We are talking on the phone, or watching TV and we don't even notice that we've eaten our whole dinner(guilty!) Our bodies are designed to tell us what it needs, but we often turn to external cues to eat(when your boss stresses you out, or if you're bored or lonely). Learning how to become mindful about how we feel and our physiological needs and eating behaviors is a skill, one that we will be working on over the next 6 weeks. Through social conditioning you've been taught not to trust your body or yourself, so we will work on reversing this over the next 6 weeks. It takes time and for most people will take much longer than 6 weeks, but you can see a lot of progress by the end of this program!
Before you eat choose one of the following:
-Ask yourself "Am I physically hungry"?
-Pause before your meal and take 5 deep breaths
-If mindful eating is one of your goals for the week keep track of this in your Quick 6 Journal and write down your meals and if you ate mindful(noticed taste and texture and slowed down)