At Home Workouts
Remember to do some dynamic stretching before your workout. See video below. You may also add 5-10 minutes of moderate cardio if you have time.
Pyramid Workouts!
This week you’ll be doing pyramid workouts. You’ll start with 25 reps of each move, then 20 reps, 15 reps, 10 rep and lastly 5 reps. Example. Set a timer, recording your finishing time in your Quick 6 notebook, and see if you can improve your time from this week to next!
Pyramid 1
Plank Jacks
Air squat
walking glute
tri-push ups
Slow Mtn Climber
Pyramid 2
Reptile Pushups
180 Squat Jumps
Walking Lunges
Mtn Climbers
Instructions / Videos
EMOM aka Every Minute On the Minute-
You’ll set a timer for 10 minutes. At the top of every minute you will perform the proper reps for the 3 exercises then rest. Then you’ll start round 2 at the 2nd minute, and round 3 at the 3rd minute etc. If you finish your rounds in 30-40 seconds then you have the rest of that minute to rest, so the faster you finish your round the longer your rest!!!
5/leg Side Lunge
5 Switch Jump Lunge
10 Tuck Jumps
10 pike jumps
10 knee tucks
5 Squat Jumps
10 Prisoner Squat Jacks
10 Frog Pumps
10 Crab Abs
5/leg Curtsy Lunge
5 Tricep Pushups
10 High Knees/Toe Touch
Gym Workouts
Pyramid Workouts! This week you’ll be doing pyramid workouts. You’ll start with 25 reps of each move, then 20 reps, 15 reps, 10 rep and lastly 5 reps. Example. Set a timer, recording your finishing time in your Quick 6 notebook, and see if you can improve your time from this week to next!
Pyramid 1
Goblet Squat
Curtsy Lunge
Hamstring Curl
Pyramid 2
Seated Cable Row
Front Raise
Upright Row
Lat Pull-Down
Pyramid 3
Platter Serve
Skull Crusher
Tricep Dumbell Kickbacks
Upright Cable Rows
Pyramid 4
Joggers/Knees up with Weights up and Down
Bent-over barbell row
Plank Row
Russian Twist