Quick 6 Week 2

Welcome to week 2! As we move onto the next week I want you to stay focused on what you did accomplish this past week. You may not have reached all of your goals that thats okay! Don’t beat yourself up, remember there is no wagon to fall off of. We give our best for each day, knowing that each day looks different.

Week 2 Energy Balance/Digestion

Food is energy. All the food we put into our bodies is either good energy that our body can use to fuel us or it’s energy that slows us down. Our body uses energy to fuel internal organs, build, repair and maintain body structures, digest food, stay warm and fuel activities.

It takes energy to digest food. To get energy from food, our body has to break it down and transports from the digestive system to other parts of the body. There are different factors that determine how well our body digests food:

  • The type of food

  • The body’s ability to absorb it

  • How quickly the gut moves things along

  • An individuals unique microbiome(the ecosystem of gut bacteria, viruses and fungi)

When our digestive system isn’t working properly our body can struggle to get the proper nutrients from food. On the flip side, when we aren’t feeding our body the proper fuel(energy), we are depriving it from the proper nutrients it needs to thrive.

Mindfulness Tip Week 2

How much we eat versus how much we need

This week we are going to continue our mindfulness tip from week 1. I want you to focus on the food that you are eating, remember mindfulness is the ability to pay attention, to be self-aware, to be thoughtful of our choices and present. As your making food choices this week tune into what you feeling. Are you eating because your sad, lonely, or mad at your boss? Or are you eating because your body genuinely wants some fuel? There is no right or wrong answer, but the point is to tune into your body so you can start to listen to what it’s telling you. As you start to tune into your emotions as well as the physical need for hunger it will be easier to distinguish between needing something and wanting something.

You might choose to record a food journal and simply write down what it is your feeling before and after your meal. Or you can use one of the following mindful tips from last week

-Ask yourself "Am I physically hungry"?

-Pause before your meal and take 5 deep breaths

-If mindful eating is one of your goals for the week keep track of this in your Quick 6 Journal and write down your meals and if you ate mindful(noticed taste and texture and slowed down)

Week 2 To Do:

  • Review goals from last week, what went well/what didn’t go well? Record in your journal

  • Set 2-3 goals to achieve in the next 7 days

  • Schedule your workouts

  • Schedule your meal prep/shopping

  • Make sure you completed all of week 1’s To Do list!